Continuing My Shakespeare Studies through England... July 2003
Travel with the Schulmans
Join us in our exploration of the world we live in...
London and Beyond...
We see London from a Thames tour boat...
Big Ben and Parliament
Tower of London
Tower Bridge
The London Eye
The British Museum
The Egyptian Exhibit...
The Rosetta Stone
Dick with the Sphinx as we walk the embarkment.
King's Cross Station
Platform 9 3/4
Harry Potter Rules!
And, of course, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre!
"This most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire..."
"This Wooden O..."
"All  the world's a stage..."
The Musician's Gallery
The "Tiring Room"
The 2003 Globe Season...
I saw the Men's Company production of "Richard II"
and the Women's Company production of "Richard III".
A Revelation!
Setting the stage for "Richard II"
Now that you've shared London with us, join us as we travel beyond to tour some highlights of Southern Enland...  Click Here